Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine

Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine
Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine
Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine

All Photos of Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine

Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine
Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine
Kevin Landry’s Pro Wrestling Combine

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63 Jackson St, Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040

Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
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1 month ago

The wrestlers and entire crew put on a great show! Very kid-friendly and a great atmosphere! It's definitely worth going to watch wrestling here when they have an event! Cheers to the entire staff and ALL the WRESTLERS for doing what you do at no cost to help bring normalcy back to people's live after 2 years of none! To anyone reading this... YOU WILL NOT BE LET DOWN IF YOU GO!! Even the wrestlers interact with the audience which you won't find at the other wrestling federation..(double you double you E)

1 month ago

I came here to see wrestling matches. This place is in the old ampad building on Sargeant street in holyoke mass. They have a huge weight lifting gym and a concession stand where you could buy snacks, soda, wrestling t shirts and other memorabilia type stuff. The seats are church pews that you could sit in. The matches are great to watch and sometimes funny. The staff are nice and friendly. The parking lot is big and they also have handicap accessible entrance. It was a free event but now they have changed it to 5 dollars entrance fee.

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