35009 Enchanted Pkwy S, Federal Way, Washington 98003
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LA Fitness
Chain health club offering a variety of equipment, a swimming pool, a smoothie bar, and group classes.
35009 Enchanted Pkwy S, Federal Way, Washington 98003
Nary Thach (Google User)
1 month ago
This gym is so crowded especially in the evening. Ladies Locker room is dirty. The floor is always wet and slippery in the restroom. Paper towel dispensers are broken or empty. Machines out of service for long periods of time. And the roof is leaking. How sad.
Gauge Tarpley (Google User)
1 month ago
New to the gym. I am really trying to like this place. The day care center is great. No complaints there thus far. The equipment, mainly cardio equipment seems to break a lot and be down. But my biggest concern is the cleanliness is just terrible. Wipes are always empty. No one is wiping equipment down. I never see anyone cleaning. But when I do see janitors/cleaners (rare) I feel as if they are just hiding in the bathroom/locker room not doing anything. Meanwhile the bathroom is a shit show. I feel like a quarter of the members aren’t even working out but just using this place like a bath house. So far for my work out routine I have enjoyed and the employees seem nice, but the cleanliness really needs to be looked at, asap.
Tripp Nessa (Google User)
1 month ago
They apparently deleted my review so here it is again. I canceled my LA Fitness membership because everything was always caked in sweat residue. Like I'd use the touch screen or touch a handle and get this nasty funk on my hands 🤢 I'd watch, and absolutely no one other than me cleaned anything ever. My last straw was despite cleaning the equipment before I used it, the gunk was literally SO CAKED ON that it would not come off. Beyond Nauseating.
M Tatrin (Google User)
1 month ago
When I joined L.A. Fitness (King County, WA, region) I was dubious about the many, many negative comments of some of the facilities. The negative comments were not wrong, and I endured the reality of the facilities because it was (at the time) the least expensive, most comprehensive option. The Federal Way location, unfortunately, has its share of problems. Unfortunately, their problems remain similar to the Burien location as well. Roof leaks are persistent, and there are regularly buckets on the floor (at different points in the facility) where there are roof leaks. There doesn't seem to be any outreach to members about why this persists. Carpet is not maintained, and in reality sorely needs a replacement. There's no way that they've cleaned that carpet, thoroughly, in _years_. . .otherwise we would have seen evidence of it (any evidence, in fact, that they made any effort to clean any of the carpet in the past 3-5 years). Bathrooms are consistently out of toilet paper and out of paper towels. Paper towel dispensers are regularly broken or don't function correctly. Sometimes toilet paper is missing 'because people keep stealing it' (whaaa?), so they don't replace it at all. Members continue to use cell phones in bathrooms, despite it clearly posted that they aren't permitted, and management doesn't do anything to address it. Toileting areas are always humid, sticky, and reek of urine: it's clear that HVAC in that area isn't correctly/effectively installed and that they need cleaning MUCH more frequently. Regular staff walkthroughs, of these areas, throughout the day (and thus responding immediately to upkeep of both facility and equipment and members' responsibilities, would greatly help address much of this. Cardio equipment is never cleaned thoroughly, and it all remains gross. I professionally cleaned houses, at one point in my job history, and these machines have needed scrubbing for years. These same cardio equipment machines are also not well-maintained. Some don't work at all (stair machines, loft level), some have wonky displays (so, good luck knowing how long you've been on them or how fast you're going or how far you're run/walked), and some displays are grossly inaccurate. If staff can't recalibrate and maintain these, recycle them and replace them. The stairway to the loft-level had busted treads for years. Sometime in late 2024 they finally replaced the edging. This is but one of several different ways that maintenance is either delayed or ignored (see: roof leaks) at this facility. The wheelchair-accesible bathroom has seen better days. It is rarely kept cleaned up, dried, etc. It needs a staffer to regularly maintain it throughout the day. Somehow the adjustable shower never gets fixed, nor are their lockers in that space: why does this location seem to think that someone will go lock their belongings in a separate locker room, then bring them into this room to shower, etc.? Why the discrimination?
al hall (Google User)
1 month ago
One star, for the unhealthy conditions of the men’s showers and restrooms. There are worms in the corners of the shower! Yes they were moving and alive. I didn’t see them until I was almost done. I’ve been to some 3rd world showers before and yes those were bad, but we live in a civilized country where people get paid to clean floors and we pay a 100.00 per month to have a membership. Absolutely disgusting! I have called the Washington health department and the king county health department.