
Barre Studio Barre


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Barre3 Henderson offers a unique blend of strength, cardio, and mindfulness through its barre classes. It is designed to accommodate all fitness levels, with a focus on low-impact isometric moves and mindful breath work.


  • Barre
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10624 S Eastern Ave, Henderson, Nevada 89052

Monday 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
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1 month ago

I’ve taken Signature classes with both Brandi and Rachelle, as well as a Strength class with Rachelle, and each session has been a fantastic challenge in the best way possible! The instructors bring such great energy and guidance, making every class a rewarding experience. Barre3 has truly helped jumpstart my fitness journey, and I can’t wait to keep going back!

1 month ago

After temporarily staying in Las Vegas for a couple months and enjoying this Barre3 studio, I went home to Hawaii. I missed the classes, instructors, and the warmness of the people and interior of the studio. So I signed up to Livestream unlimited classes, and continue to thoroughly enjoy it while getting a great workout. Being able to pick any class at anytime allows me to take more classes than I otherwise would be able to, even with a three hour time difference. Thanks to Lauren for having such a great place to get my workout in. Beautiful studio. Great teachers. Very welcoming. Students are friendly. Teachers constantly suggest different ways to do the exercises so that anyone would feel comfortable. Really enjoying this studio!

1 month ago

In-depth review for barre lovers... So let me start this off by saying I absolute love barre classes in general. I have tried different styles and formats in several states and studios over many years. I've had the privilege of having some amazing, world-class instructors, including a previous Rockette and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader at a more specialized location, so I am using a HIGH bar for reviewing Barre3. What I love about barre (in general) is the ballet origin, its emphasis on longevity and proper form to prevent and protect from injuries, and improving the mind-body in both visible and intangible ways, and overall just being fun, doable, and making me feel my best! With that said, let me get into my Barre3 experience so far, now that I've tried classes with a few of the instructors: Staff friendliness and competence: 10/10. They know their stuff, they give good cues and teach on-beat. Classes are engaging and instructions are clear. Music selection: 10/10 Not a single song has played where I'm cringing. The music playlists are fun, varied, unique, upbeat and everything else you would expect from an energetic, woman-friendly barre class. Exercises and class format: 5/10. My reasoning: We don't actually spend much time at the barre and don't do many of the more subtle exercises that make barre distinct from other styles of exercise and movement. There is of course some dance influence in the movements, particularly in the warm-ups and cardio-boost where we do some "flowy" types of movements, but far from providing significant dance-specific-like conditioning. There is some seat-work and band-work, but again, nothing I'd see outside of some regular fitness class at some gym. When I go to barre, I expect a little more dance influence, foot work, calf work, isolations, turnouts, kicks and extensions, nuance in position, etc. etc. but at Barre3 those are very minimal so I have to almost "enhance" the workout myself to engage the muscles and connections I can't imagine a beginner "getting" without some dance or more in-depth barre background. Seems misleading to call this a "barre" workout... deviates a little too much from more classic barre-workout styles. I'd say Barre3 falls a little more in the "Pilates-Yoga-fusion" category than "Barre". A little too much yoga-infusion, in my opinion. If I wanted yoga, I'd go to a yoga class. I specifically don't love the downdog stretches (which I modify, no problem) nor the "breathwork" and "namaste/gratitude" portion at the end of class (which I stick around for to not be rude and leave early, but don't love doing and feel like it disrupts the good energy I build up during class). I don't go to barre to do yoga-like movement and yoga-like "meditation"; I go there to feel energized, get lean and toned, have more uplifted and boosted energy that makes me look good and feel good in a way Yoga for me personally doesn't accomplish for me. Also not a fan of the bigger movements like the "Barre3 burpees" and the sort of "mountain-climber"-like exercises with the sliders, which to me seem more like a cop-out way to deliver gym-style boot-camp-style fitness. Which if I wanted that, I'd just go to a boot-camp class at a gym, not a barre studio. All the lunging is fine, but again, suggests more Pilates-fusion and regular fitness than specifically Barre. Perhaps with more variation and nuance and more actual use of the barre in class these could still qualify as barre rather than just plain-ole "fitness". However, not a biggie; lunges are a good and effective exercise overall. Overall, I do feel you can get good value from this studio, just don't expect a classic barre workout. Definitely a good way to get movement in consistently in a nice studio with good instructors and good music.

1 month ago

Such a friendly welcoming place! Instructors offer several different approaches to the exercise being done so modifications are easily accomplished. Great place for barre!

1 month ago

Loved the class!! If I lived in NV I would be a regular! Rachelle is FIRE! She is a fantastic instructor with so much knowledge! Take her class you won’t regret it!

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