Best Personal Training Studio near Charlotte, North-carolina

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1. Fitness Together

Personal Training Studio


Fitness Together
Fitness Together
Fitness Together
Fitness Together

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Fitness Together
Fitness Together
Fitness Together
Fitness Together

Fitness Together offers personalized training programs tailored to individual goals and needs. With private workout suites, clients can train in a judgement-free environment with the support of certified personal trainers.

4520 Mint Hill Village Ln, Charlotte, North Carolina 28227

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1 month ago

I have been a client at Fitness Together for over 2 years now. The trainers there are really exceptional. From the minute you start, they not only help you formulate a plan to reach your goals, but also welcome you in to the Fitness Together family. Since I've started there, I've improved my strength and my overall health immensely...and have made some great friends, too. Who could ask for more?

1 month ago

I had a great experience with Fitness Together in Mint Hill. I started working with their team in May of this year. I always tried to keep in shape, but the last couple of years I felt that I was loosing the battle. My endurance and my strength was slowly declining and my blood pressure was considered in the hypertension range. They gave me an evaluation and asked me what my goals were. I told them that I wanted to improve my posture, increase my shoulder turn for golf and lose some weight. They taught me how to change my diet and went into detail about what I could eat and when I should eat. They worked with me twice a week for four months and once a week for two months, with evaluations every six weeks. They worked on strengthening my back and shoulder muscles, increasing my flexibility in my back and shoulders and strengthening my core. I have made a lot of progress with both my golf game as well as my weight and blood pressure. I really enjoyed the warm and caring attitude of all the staff and really felt that I turned back my health at least 5 years.