Best Gyms with Pickleball near Pottstown, Pennsylvania

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results

1. Fit Life Fitness

Gym Pickleball


Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness

All Photos of Fit Life Fitness

Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness
Fit Life Fitness

Fit Life Fitness is dedicated to transforming your wellness journey with personalized experiences led by certified trainers. The gym focuses on providing state-of-the-art equipment and fostering a community atmosphere to support fitness goals.

351 W Schuylkill Rd, Pottstown, Pennsylvania 19465


Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours


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1 month ago

Great facility. The gym is very nice, but I would love to see a free weight T-Bar row and a better seated leg curl machine. In terms of the Pickleball area, it has a very good ambience. A few of the tiles don’t bounce too well for pickleball though. I only wish that there was a basketball court.

1 month ago

They appear to have spent quite a bit of money in setting up this facility. I played pickleball there. Unfortunately, they chose to use plastic tiles as the court surface for the pickleball courts. Many of the tiles produce bad bounces, or no bounces at all. Some of the courts have support beams so close to the court that they interfere with play. I think this place is geared toward beginners that are not very concerned with court conditions. I don’t think anyone who plays competitive pickleball will enjoy playing there. That is unfortunate, since a better court surface would have made a huge difference.

1 month ago

Fitlife Fitness is a new facility. Currently the facility is First class but we are adding many amenities to the facility such as batting cages, golf simulators, currently we have 11 pickleball courts and will be adding courts. We intend to have 32 courts, which will be the largest pickleball facility on the East Coast if not the country. We have a state of the art work-out facility. Our Phase 2 additions will have a massive 20,000 square foot workout facility with state of the art weightlifting and aerobics equipment. We will have a massive food court facility with huge TVs and a liquor licence coming in Phase 2. You will be able to order food from 7 fantastic restaurant and have it delivered courtside or any table set up in the facility. We also will have a liquor licence. Beer and wine and mixed drinks can be ordered and delivered anywhere in the facility.

1 month ago

Nice facility. Support beams next to pickleball courts need to be covered with foam or some other soft material

1 month ago

Enjoy going to the gym. Still has construction going on pickle ball courts are not completed at this time. Still nice to go. Can't wait for it to be completed.