Best Group Fitness Studio near Chino-hills, California

Showing 1 to 1 of 1 results

1. F45 Training Chino Hills

Group Fitness Studio HIIT


F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills

All Photos of F45 Training Chino Hills

F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills
F45 Training Chino Hills

F45 Training Chino Hills offers functional group fitness classes designed for every body, with a focus on teamwork and community. The studio provides a diverse range of workouts that aim to unlock participants' athletic potential in a supportive environment.

15850 Soquel Canyon Pkwy, Chino Hills, California 91709


Monday 5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday 5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday 5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday 5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday 5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday 7:00 – 10:00 AM
Sunday 7:30 – 8:45 AM
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1 month ago

This program and system is life changing for me. It works. I typically attend the 6am class. 45 minutes of training only. It’s tough. I sweat. I like the Coaches - Cole, Bruce, Chris, Jordy, Shelly, Sirena, and Caden. Good people. Very helpful. The members are like family. It’s a community. Highly recommended.

1 month ago

I work out about 5 times a week at home but that is nothing compared to the workout I get here! I have been able to be an apart of multiple workouts with different coaches and different layouts and all have been amazing! Great for all levels with a fun and supportive atmosphere!

1 month ago

I just want to share my experience here at F45 Chino Hills compared to other gym I’ve been. I never imagined I would be able to do pull ups but with the strength I gained during the workouts I’m able to achieve it. Now I’m challenging myself to lift heavier weights day by day. Let me tell you how clean the studio is as well that is greatly maintained by Stephanie the owner, especially during this flu season they wipe & spray with disinfectant and also vacuum the floor with disinfectant! Gotta love my F45 family too! With great Coaches that will teach you the correct form and will challenge you to lift heavier to achieve your goals. Also new found friends who I workout special shoutout to my 6am workout buddies! Come and join us here at F45 Chino Hills not only will you change your lifestyle but you’ll definitely gain more friends, achieve your body & be more confident about yourself. Love my F45 Chino Hills Family!

1 month ago

F45 has the unique ability to make you feel like you are at your home location even when traveling, and F45 Chino Hills definitely lives up to this. The coaches are incredibly knowledgeable and friendly, and super welcoming. The classes are high energy and the members at this location are also super sociable. Whether a first timer or gym pro, you will definitely find something for you at this location and with the F45 program.

1 month ago

The coaches at F45 Chino Hills are knowledgeable and friendly. The classes are high energy and I look forward to going there for workouts. I also found the people at this gym are really welcoming.